- Finance: Rotates Bi-Monthly
- Legislative: B. Mantei & A. Hughes
- Municipal Relations: T. Wendt & A. Hughes
- Parks and Recreation: J. Gradowski & T. Wendt
- Public Improvements: J. Covieo & D. Rondeau
- Public Relations: J. Gradowski & D. Rondeau
- Utility and Special: D. Rondeau & J. Covieo
- Planning Commission Liaison: B. Mantei
- DDA Liaison: J. Gradowski
- monthly bills, investment policy, budget adjustments and audits
- amendment and adoption of ordinances
- personnel policy, wage/benefits and City Manager’s annual review
- parks and recreation improvements
- public infrastructure improvements
- Mayor’s exchange, Citizen of the Year and public facilities use
- water and sewer utility improvements, rates and user fees