City Clerk
Sarah J. Wilcox, (CMC, MiPMC) City Clerk
1107 Woodside Avenue
Essexville, MI 48732-1236
Phone: (989) 893-0772
Fax: (989) 892-3452
Note: All correspondence, such as emails, faxes or letters, sent to City staff or officials is considered a public record and available for public and media review.
Coming soon
Duties and Responsibilities
Duties and Responsibilities
“The City Clerk shall be the clerk of the Council and shall keep a complete written or printed record in English of the proceedings of the Council. The Clerk shall perform all duties required of the position by law, this Charter and the Council. All contracts, legal papers, correspondence, records and files pertaining to the City, except police files, shall be placed in the keeping of the City Clerk.”
– Article VIII of the Essexville City Charter –
City Clerk’s Duties in Part:
- Serves as Clerk of the City Council.
- Keep official minutes of all meetings of the City Council.
- Register qualified voters and maintain all voting and registration records.
- Oversee absent voter process and conduct all elections.
- Maintain all official records and documents of the City.
- Maintain the Code Of Ordinances
- Countersign Official documents and maintain custody of the City Seal.
- Administer the oath of office
- Maintain the general ledger and accounts payable
- Serve as deputy Treasurer