City Treasurer

Dawn Hoder
City Treasurer

1107 Woodside Avenue
Essexville, MI  48732
Phone: (989) 893-2441
Fax:  (989) 892-3452

Note: All correspondence, such as emails, faxes or letters, sent to City staff or officials is considered a public record and available for public and media review.

Duties and Responsibilities

Duties and Responsibilities

“The Treasurer shall perform all duties required of the position by law, this Charter, and the Council.”
– Article VIII of the Essexville City Charter –

City Treasurer’s Duties in Part:


  • Serves as chief financial officer of the City
  • Responsible for collecting real and personal property taxes as warranted and dispersing such funds to the appropriate governmental units.
  • Prepare and collect utility (water, sewer, waste collection and recycling) charges incurred by City businesses and residences at rates established by the City Council.
  • Oversight and implementation of the water shut-off and frozen service abatement policies.
  • Determine cash flows and invest City funds in City Council approved institutions and instruments to maximize the rate of return as set forth in the City Council’s investment policy and electronic transactions policy.
  • Serve as Deputy City Clerk
  • Reconcile bank statements to internal accounting records.