Fees and Permits
To obtain a copy of the a specific permit or fee schedule use the links below.
All of these forms are available online to allow persons to download and print the form for completion ahead of time and at their convenience. The completed permit applications must still be submitted and processed at City Hall.
Where indicated some these permit applications can be completed online prior to printing, however the form still must be submitted and processed at City Hall.
If you need an excerpt from the Zoning Ordinance to attach to the permit application use the link above to download and print the applicable sections of the ordinance to attach to your permit application.
Fee Schedules
Construction Permit Applications
Construction Permit Applications
Building Permit
Plumbing Permit
Mechanical Permit
Electrical Permit
Zoning Permit
Reoccupancy Application
Zoning Applications
Zoning Applications
(All forms are fillable)
Site Plan Review or Special Land Use Permit
Rezoning or amendment of the Zoning Ordinance
Variance (Board of Zoning Appeals)