City Manager
Craig Goulet, City Manager
1107 Woodside Avenue
Essexville, MI 48732-1236
Phone: (989) 893-7192
Fax: (989) 892-3452
Note: All correspondence, such as emails, faxes or letters, sent to City staff or officials is considered a public record and available for public and media review.
Duties and Responsibilities
Duties and Responsibilities
“The City Manager is the chief administrative officer of the City, responsible to the City Council for the administration of all matters placed in the City Manager’s charge by the Council or by authority of the City Charter.”
– Article IX of the Essexville City Charter –
City Manager’s Duties in Part:
- Be responsible for the supervision of enforcement of all laws and ordinances and carry out the policies of the City Council.
- Direct and supervise the administration of all of the offices and departments of the City.
- Prepare and submit an annual budget and capital improvements program to the City Council for its approval and administer the budget as adopted by the City Council.
- Keep the City Council advised at all times of the City’s financial condition, administrative activities and future needs of the City. Make such other reports as the City Council may require concerning the operation of the City.
- Recommend to the City Council measures as deemed necessary or expedient.
- Manage and supervise all public works, buildings, roads, utilities, improvements and other undertakings of the City.
- Be responsible for the maintenance of a systems of accounts which conform to uniform systems of accounts as required by law and by the City Council.
- Serve as purchasing agent for the City.
- Conduct annual performance evaluations of all administrative staff, officers and department heads.